Dellermann et al. (2019)
The basic rational of hybrid intelligence is combining the complementary strengths of heterogeneous intelligences (i.e. human and artificial agents) into a socio-technological ensemble.
We call this Hybrid Intelligence, which is defined as “the ability to accomplish complex goals by combining human and artificial intelligence to collectively achieve superior results and continuously improve by learning from each other.”
Several core concepts of our definition are noteworthy:
Hybrid Intelligence covers the fact that tasks are performed collectively. This means that the activities conducted by each part are dependent, however, are not necessarily always aligned to achieve a common goal.
Superior Results
Superior results defines the fact that the system achieves a performance that none of the involved actors could have achieved in a certain task without the other.
Continous Learning
Continous learning a central aspect of is that over time this socio-technological system improves both as a whole and each single component (i.e. humans and machines) learn through experience from each other, thus improving performance in a certain task.
Our Team

Dr. rer. pol. Philipp Ebel
Philipp Ebel is a postdoctoral researcher at the information systems department at University of Kassel,and research fellow at the Institute of Information Management (IWI HSG), University of St. Gallen.
His research areas are Digital Business Innovation, IT Innovation Management, Agile Development, and Hybrid Intelligence. His research has been published by journals such as Information Systems Journal (ISJ), and International Journal of Innovation Technology (IJIM) and presented at conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, and the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister
Professor Leimeister is Full Professor and Chair for Information Systems. He is Director of the Institute of Information Management (IWI HSG), University of St. Gallen. He is furthermore Director of the interdisciplinary research center for Information Systems Design (ITeG) at the University of Kassel, Germany. His research areas are Digital Business, Digital Transformation, Service Science, Crowdsourcing, Digital Work, Collaboration Engineering and IT Innovation Management. He teaches in various Executive Education programs on these topics.
Leimeister is co-founder of various companies and has long-standing professional experience. Since 2000 he is / has been consultant, trainer, coach, senior executive and board member for various corporations.

M.Sc. Dominik Dellermann
Dominik Dellermann is a researcher at the information systems department at University of Kassel, and research fellow at the Institute of Information Management (IWI HSG), University of St. Gallen.
His research areas are digital business models, platform ecosystems, entrepreneurial decision making and Hybrid Intelligence. His research has been published by journals such as Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Business Strategy, and HMD and presented at conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, DESRIST and HICSS.
He is co-founder of the hybrid intelligence platform vencortex (www.vencortex.com).